February 24, 2009

Guitly until proven innocent?

Innocent until proven guilty - an historic right under British common law right? Not for much longer if new Internet law proposals are advanced. The proposals means that simply being accused of breaching copyright would require an Internet Service Provider to take down web pages. Failure to do so could be punishable. No trial, no jury, no presumption of innocence. The government is going to allow an extension of time to resolve the issue and for ISP interests to finalise a Code of Practice. For further details check out geekzone

February 13, 2009

Immigration could boost economy

A few years ago high inflows of migrants helped boost house prices and added to economic activity as well as giving new migrants better opportunities. In addition to tax cuts the government might also want to consider a campaign to attract suitable immigrants who can add to the economic dynamism of New Zealand.

Caritas Justice Leadership Days - an inspiring experience

I've just returned from the 2017 Caritas Justice Leadership Day in Wellington.  This year the Wellington JLD was held in Avalon, Lowe...