August 27, 2009

Kennedy Dies

Senator Edward Kennedy dies at age 77 - Yahoo! News
Yahoo News covers Senator Ted Kennedy's remarkable career spanning almost half a century. Kennedy was a flawed human being - like all of us. He deserves credit, however, for his principled advocacy for public healthcare and gun control. His support for the poor and the marginalised provided an inspiring example and a challenge to the establishment. America is better because of the contribution he made.

August 10, 2009

Mobile and Productive

The links between adoption of mobile technology and productivity have been further evidenced with new research being completed by McKinseys. Billions of dollars of value has been added to the US economy in recent years due to mobile devices - phones, PDAs and laptops. If productivity is the end game then we could do a lot worse than look for ways to ensure that kiwi companies and business operators have the information they need, wherever they are at whatever time they need it. This is the power of mobility.

August 6, 2009

Productivity - The Challenge for the nation

The new watchword is productivity. Our ability to be more productive as a nation is likely to be the leading factor in new Zealand's growth and propsperity in the next two decades. Its not just about working harder. We need to work smarter. new Zealanders are already among the hardest working people in the OECD.
Quality of management, application of technology in ways that add value and boost productivity - these are the areas where we need to focus.

Skills development, lower income tax rates, and the promotion of investment in export-led, high value goods and services have to be part of the new policy programme. Science and technology have key rolls to play. We can't just reply on dairy products or tourism to prosper.

Caritas Justice Leadership Days - an inspiring experience

I've just returned from the 2017 Caritas Justice Leadership Day in Wellington.  This year the Wellington JLD was held in Avalon, Lowe...