April 26, 2010

Liberal Democrats surge in polls

The Guardian reported that the centrist Liberal Democrats have surged to a strong 21% rating in the latest opinion poll.  LibDem Leader, Nick Clegg's very good TV leaders debate performance helped his party to a surge in poll support. The Conservative Party is still leading in most polls and the Labour government is struggling to regain support following the entry into the Iraq War and the impact of the economic crisis. Voters clearly want a change but don't yet trust the Conservatives with a parliamentary majority. 

April 18, 2010

Solzhenitsyn - A Prophet for our time

John Couretas has published a tribute to the late Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Solzhenitsyn and His Critics - The Acton Institute. The critique sounds alarm bells for those who wonder about the bland global culture of shallow western consumerism and reality tv shows that our children are growing up in.  We are already seeing a reaction towards the manifestation of this gluttonous global marketplace.  The rise of militant Islam and various ethnic  nationalisms draw strength from what they perceive as a decaying West that seems to have forgotten its history and lost its sense of purpose.

April 13, 2010

Churton Park To Decide How $1.6million community facility funds should be invested

Cr Best has issued a media statement clarifying the position in relation to Churton Park community facilities. The statement can be found at: News - Churton Park Community Consultation Clarified. It did not make reference to the option of a multi-purpose community centre owned and operated by the Council. Apart from that, however, it did set out the position more clearly than previous Council utterances.

According to Cr Best "Last year we sold some reserve land for the new school in Churton Park and received $812,500 from that sale, and there is a proposal in the 2010/11 draft Annual Plan to use those funds for indoor or outdoor recreation and/or community facilities," Cr Best says. 

"Over the past 12 months we have been developing a city-wide Community Facilities Policy, which is currently in draft form and out for consultation, within it we have an additional sum of $845,000 to develop community space in Churton Park in 2012/13.  So to clarify, we are consulting on spending $845,000 in Churton Park for community facilities and an additional $812,500 for community and/or recreation facilities for Churton Park which may be used for additional facilities at the new school, additional community space or further develop the existing parks and reserves." says Cr Best. 

However, Cr Best did not indicate anything about the history of the land or the development contributions that were given to the council in the form of the land. Those contributions are usually used for facilities for the whole community.

Recently the Council invested almost $3million of ratepayers money into the state of the art Newlands Community Centre - pictured above.  Churton Park, say Council officials, does not have the population to justify getting $3million.  Having said that $1.6million + some additional fundraising could get a modest Community Centre for Churton Park - if that was the wish of residents. Of course that will not be possible if the funding is divided into two or three lots. And that is the decision residents must make.

The Churton Park community now has an opportunity to have its say through the consultation process which includes a public meeting - but not one in Churton Park.  The meeting will be held at the Johnsonville Library on 21 April at 7.00pm and community members can also have their say by making a submission on the draft Community Facilities Policy and Implementation Plan or through the draft Annual Plan.  More information can be found at www.wcc.govt.nz

If residents choose not to have their say then they should not complain later if they miss out on the sort of facilities they would like to see for the next 20-30 years in the community. 

April 12, 2010

Time for an Innovation Council

NZ Institute op ed piece proposes that the Prime Minister be the Prime Innovator.  They make a very good case.  Other countries - including our successful Aussie cousins - provide leadership from the top to priority areas such as innovation.  It's time now to give some real focus and resource to R&D and to innovation in those export sectors where NZ has a comparative advantage. 

April 6, 2010

Global action on climate change overdue

Climate change is real. We're seeing the effects all around us – polar ice melting, sea level rising and extreme weather events. If we want to reduce the impact of climate change and have reliable energy sources, we must make changes, at a government and individual level.  Solutions to climate change and energy crises already exist - clean energy, energy efficiency and new environmentally sound technologies.

New Zealand is reliant on overseas markets and their ability to buy our export produce.  The thing about climate change is that we really are all in it together. There is something everyone of us can do to help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable environmental practices.  Kerbside recycline, increased research to deliver innovative no or lower carbon solutions.

Greenpeace New Zealand’s work to stop climate change and provide New Zealand with reliable energy includes:
Greenpeace has a website which is worth a look.  In addition to the vital issue of climate change Greenpeace is also active on several other issues of importance to the environment: nuclear, GE, and whaling. 

Caritas Justice Leadership Days - an inspiring experience

I've just returned from the 2017 Caritas Justice Leadership Day in Wellington.  This year the Wellington JLD was held in Avalon, Lowe...